maesa japonica meaning in English
- There were 66 species in the community 3 ( castanopsis fargesii + schima superba - itea chinensis - maesa japonica community ) , and castanopsis fargesii and schima superba were the dominant species of tree layer , and itea chinensis and symplocos sumuntia were the dominant species of succession layer , and maesa japonica and ardisia japonica was the dominant species of regeneration layer
采用物种数、 m雌alef丰富度指数、 simpson和shannon一wiener多样性指数、 simpson和shannon一wiener均匀度指数对黄茵岭生态保护小区森林群落多样性进行测定,结果表明该地区有较高的物种多样性。 - There were 71 species in the community 2 ( castanopsis fargesii - itea chlnensis - maesa japonica community ) , and castanopsis fargesii and itea chinensis were respectively the absolute dominant species of tree layer and succession layer , maesa japonica was the dominant species of regeneration layer
群落次生天然演替过程是以地带性植被壳斗科、茶科、冬青科等物种为主。总体上黄茵岭生态保护小区群落种子植物属的分布类型是以热带分布成分占绝对优势,种子植物以热带起源为主。 - There were 83 species in the community 4 ( castanopsis sclerophylla - camellia oleifera - maesa japonica community ) , and castanopsis sclerophylla , castanopsis fargesii and schima superba were the dominant species of tree layer , and camellia oleifera , itea chinensis and symplocos sumuntia were the dominant species of succession layer , and maesa japonica was the absolute dominant species of regeneration layer . there were 76 species in the community 5 ( castano
用物种重要值代替物种多度来测定物种多样性,结果表明: margalef丰富度指数随着群落层次的物种数增加而增加,与群落各层次的个体数无关,各群落的乔木层的simpson多样性、 shannon一wiener多样性、 simpson均匀度、 shannon一wiener均匀度4个指数一般小于其演替层的相应指数,演替层与更新层的相应指数之间无必然大小关系。